I was born in September, so thank you for giving me an excuse for not being a success.

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Hahaha it all depends on many factors and there is not just one. Maybe it wouldn't have been easy to be a field hockey player, but there are many other options.

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hahahahahaha. I just get a kick out of how some scientists analyze and interpret data. It's like the elephant and the five blind men.

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I wonder too if there are differences in academic achievement given differences in brain development by age.

One would expect the opposite trend in places in the world where calendars are flipped. Sports seasons in latin america, for example, tend to being in Jan rather than Sept.

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Oh, that's a very interesting point and one that hadn't crossed my mind, you're absolutely right. I guess it should be reversed.

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Love that you referenced the hockey statistics! An avid hockey fan, I first heard this a few years ago and was shocked at how statistically significant it is to be born in a certain month! It's a good reminder that there are things out of our control. But of course shouldn't mean we don't still work our A$$ off trying!

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Hi Brad! You said it perfectly. There are many factors that are out of our control, however that doesn't mean we shouldn't try our best to achieve what we set out to do. It's just a reminder that even if we do everything perfectly we may not get what we wanted.

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